Sunday, April 1, 2012

Thrice / Dustin

It must take a band to announce a hiatus to get repressing of albums underway and solo albums on vinyl to see the light of day. To me, thats a double edged sword.

First up is Thrice - The Artist in the Ambulance. Second pressing limited to /1000 copies. This is another time I've had to stay up half the night for it to be released online in the U.S to not miss out on the copy. Glad I've got it though.

Next up is Dustin Kensrue - Please Come Home of the band Thrice. He released this album a couple years back, but this is the first time its seen a vinyl release.

Brown variant /475

Clear-white variant /475

And I managed to work out a deal with the label to get myself a copy of the test press. Limited to /24. Basic DJ sleeve for now.

The label is working on a screen printed test press sleeve to go with it, which should look like this:

Complete set, short of the brown swirl variant (/50) which I'm also waiting to arrive

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