Monday, July 19, 2010

Monuments and Melodies

This band has been around for nearly 20 years and they get better and better. When bands are around this long they tend to release a greatest hits which is good but it often signals an end for a band. But news on the interwebz says they are heading into the studio for another album which is good news by me. Anyway this is their LP set for Monuments and Melodies which is a pretty good package and I actually picked it up in JB which was a complete suprise as they tend to never have anything that catches my eye. All songs on this set span across heaps of albums, eps, b-sides, acoustics...the works. Each portrait photo is a sleeve which holds 1 LP , except for one which doubles over. The last photo is just an example of one of the LP's, they are all pretty much similar looking. Kudos to Steph taking these pics with a fish eye lens, makes look even cooler.